Silent Book Club

Not everyone loves a book club, and yes, we know that book clubs are generally excuses to get together with friends and drink wine, and the book is a reason to do the first two things.

But what if you don’t have many friends, or you don’t drink, or you like reading but don’t like talking about books?

In comes the silent book club. Inspired by a story on NPR, we started the book club with introverts in mind, but we welcome everyone to this book club.

The point here is that sometimes you want to be around people, but most times, you don’t want to interact with them—at least not in a forced, contrived way. Everyone is welcome.

The Shea Lounge Silent Book Club is a monthly event. We host Half Full Coffee in the parking lot and start reading shortly after 9 a.m. There is no need to sign up; show up with whatever book you are reading and enjoy the quiet solitude of the Silent Book Club.

Click the link to find out when the next book club is happening. We hope to see you there.


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